Wednesday, October 26, 2011

On any given Tuesday...

All over America there are conference rooms of sharply dressed ladies applauding each other for their successes since the previous Tuesday.  For calling leads: applause.  For signing a new team member: applause.  For booking a class: applause.  For even thinking about opening their store: applause. 

One of my ladies, Cathie, commented to me a few weeks ago that she's been involved in many women's groups over the years, and none of them have been this positive.  From what I've seen in the last couple of months, she's right — even apart from all the applause!  Even when a couple of consultants are talking to each other, it's to be supportive, and not to be catty about someone else.  Nobody rolls her eyes when someone else is talking or whispers to her girlfriend about the speaker. 

When I was at the last meeting in September, Jenny had just bought the inventory for her new store — she's been Roya's assistant for some time, and finally decided to join in the fun.  I missed the two weeks after that, and the next time I was back (10/18), Jenny had already qualified for her red jacket!  As of last night, she is one team member short to hit qualification for her first free car.  She's excited, and everyone's excited for her.  I'm sure she'll be cruising around in a Chevy Malibu by springtime.


  1. Did I tell you about the Swiss expediting entrepreneur who stopped hiring men over a decade ago, and has over a hundred employees, all female, now, because women work better together, advance each other more, in-fight less, and admit it when they don't know what they are doing?

    (If not, I kinda just did)

  2. Holly: No, I don't think you did (before). I'll have to look it up! I am a little surprised, if only because of my past experiences. I mean, even in the small church choir I had to belong to in grade/high school, the drama llama attended. OTOH, I'm sure the Swiss person hired based on more than just criterion=female. Or maybe Swiss people are just nicer than people I know.

    I'll definitely see what kind of research has been done on women-only groups, though. Good idea. :)

    Regan: Oh! Sorry! So, when a consultant has recruited 1-2 team members, she becomes a Senior Consultant. Once she's recruited that third member, she's in middle management (a Star Team Builder), and gets to order the official management uniform jacket. There are a few snazzy styles to choose from. Directors have a different uniform color that changes every year — this year it's orchid.


    Alta Vista Babelfish can probably do a decent job with this. Hell, even the browser built-in translator should be able to do it, since it is an interview, it doesn't have super complicated grammar, etc.
